North Rhine-Westphalia

North Rhine-Westphalia

North Rhine-Westphalia is the most populous of the 16 German federal states. It is one of the most economic regions in the country and a preferred option for foreign investors establishing themselves in Europe. Its strong industrial backbone is supported by a high-skilled knowledge economy and diverse B2B network service providers.


North Rhine-Westphalia (NRW) has long been a preferred destination for foreign investors who choose to set up their businesses in Europe. Boasting some of the country’s most dynamic and culturally rich cities, the Rhine-Rhuhr metropolitan region is Germany’s largest, and includes the cities of Dortmund, Essen, Cologne and Düsseldorf. With 14 universities and 50 post-graduate colleges, it is home to 11 of Germany’s universities of Excellence. This steady supply of excellent workers, as well as a steady stream of international talent, means NRW often ranks as the biggest recipient of FDI in Germany. With almost a quarter of German GDP produced in the region, and 12 Fortune Global 500 companies headquartered in the region, NRW is seen as the strongest industrial region in Europe. The region is home to 20% of Germany’s industrial workforce and 18% its entire output. Thanks to the impressive infrastructure and interconnectivity of the region, NRW boasts well-developed supply chain systems and continues to attract new industrial players.

As Germany looks to drive and unlock growth in the digital and green economic frontiers, NRW’s strong B2B solutions network is made up of a range of consultancies in industry, construction, ICT, chemicals, and related STEM-fields. Today, the services industry represents 73% of the region’s economy, employing 7,3 million people. These service-oriented businesses offer much added value to the diverse group of industrial enterprises, helping large and small players be global leaders in their respective fields. Over 25% of all sales generated by B2B service providers in Germany originate in NRW, while 22% of all B2B service workers are in the region.

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